The First Vampire - C.317 - : 316 Overawed_1

The First Vampire

C.317 - : 316 Overawed_1

Chapter 317: 316 Overawed_1

They returned to their residence.

Colin asked Vera to freshen up and change clothes, while he himself invited Governor Seville to sit in the living room.

“Governor, do you have any business?”

Seville’s attitude had taken a complete 180-degree turn, completely devoid of his previous arrogance when they first met, and instead seemed to be trying to ingratiate himself with Colin.

Colin, of course, understood that his counterpart must have heard rumors, knew of the Prime Minister of the Empire’s proposal to reform the governor election of the Senate, and that’s why he was panicked.

He couldn’t not be panicked.

Seville, with his many years of experience as a governor, knew that this reform proposal would definitely be approved.

The game rules of the Senate would also be completely rewritten.

Originally, with the transcendent status of the governor, Seville didn’t even have to deliberately please Vera, the Northern Duke.

After all, being a governor is a lifelong position, and even if Vera doesn’t like Seville, she couldn’t replace him.

As for the choice of the next governor, Seville was not in a hurry. His body was still healthy, living another twenty to thirty years was not a problem, and by that time, who knew what the situation in the North Territory would be.

Even if Vera was still the Northern Duke, Seville could make some compromises and exchanges a few years before his death, so that his preferred successor could become the St. Hilde family’s recommended candidate for governor.

But it’s different now.

The governorship is up for election every three years, and every elder has the right to run for election!

In order to maintain his position, Seville had to compromise immediately.

Moreover, he had noticed a current brewing among the elders of the Northern lineage, apparently, the St. Hilde family had already begun to move.

Seville knew that if he didn’t take any measures, he would be too late.

“Viscount Angler, actually, I came mainly to apologize to you.”

“Apologize? Governor, I don’t remember you offending me.”

“I am apologizing on behalf of Weber.”

“Weber?” Colin thought for a while before realizing that Seville was talking about his grandson.

It was the knight who provoked them on their last visit to Seville, and got physically beaten by Colin.

“Yes, my lord Viscount, Weber’s behavior last time was indeed inappropriate, so, I want to sincerely apologize to you on his behalf!”

Colin rolled his eyes, thinking to himself, sincere my ass! The kid didn’t even come, what sincerity?

“Governor, you are too courteous, it was just an exchange of martial skills, Knight Weber’s behavior wasn’t inappropriate.”

“You are truly magnanimous!” With his old face beaming like a chrysanthemum, Seville said intimately, “Now that Vera has been canonized as the Northern Duke, and even you have obtained the authority of the Guardian of the North Territory, this is really a joyous occasion!

I just don’t know when you plan to return to the North Territory?”

“We plan to leave tomorrow.”

“So soon?”

“Yes, after all the North Territory has just been stabilized, there are a lot of things that need to be handled urgently. We’ve stayed in Dragon City long enough, we can’t delay any longer.”

Seville quickly invited, “Then I will host a farewell banquet in the manor tonight, I hope you and the Duke can attend.”

“No need for a farewell banquet, Vera and I have plans for tonight.” Colin waved his hand, somewhat bluntly rejecting the other’s goodwill.

Seville was slightly taken aback, but immediately extended another invitation: “How about a luncheon today?”

“Luncheon?” Colin glanced at him with a smirk, “Can you prepare it in such a short time?”

With a serious face, Seville said, “As long as you and the Duke are willing to honor us with your presence, I will make sure everything is ready in the shortest time!”

“Still, there’s no need to bother.” Colin waved his hand, refusing once more.

Seeing that Seville still didn’t give up, Colin directly addressed the issue that the other party really cared about: “You’ve come to see me today about the governor election, haven’t you?”

Seville was stunned, apparently not expecting Colin to be so direct, but he quickly reacted and nodded repeatedly:

“Yes. I’m sure you’ve already heard about the Prime Minister’s proposal for Senate reform.

Ah, this is really nonsense!

That old fellow Heidegger doesn’t even know what he’s doing!

In my view, he’s really touching the most important pillar that maintains the political balance of the Empire!

If this proposal is approved, he will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history, spurned by all…

Colin was grinning at the sight of an impotent and furious Sebastian cursing the Prime Minister of the Empire, while he quietly sipped his coffee on the table.

When the other party finally calmed down a bit, he spoke again: “You’re worried about the next gubernatorial election, aren’t you? About whether or not you will be elected?”

“Ahem… I am a bit concerned,” Sebastian admitted, his face flushing with embarrassment.

“Actually, both Vera and I think you should be replaced.”

“What?” Sebastian was startled by Colin’s honesty, his mouth agape in shock, looking like a fish out of water, “Why… why would you…?”

Colin gave him a dismissive glance, disdain in his heart, but he offered soothing words:

“We were thinking, after serving as governor for so many years, you must be exhausted. So, we should have someone replace you, to relieve some of the burden off you…”

“I’m not tired!” Sebastian was alarmed, “Viscount, in my forty years as a governor, I have gained a wealth of experience. I know how to secure the greatest benefits for the North Territory in the Senate. You can’t…”

“Really?” Colin interrupted, his tone becoming harsh, “Then why did you vote against Vera’s inheritance rights last time?”

Sebastian sighed earnestly: “Viscount, I admit that I have been prejudiced against the Duke and you. But I assure you, from now on, I will mend my ways! On any issue, I will be on the same page with the Duke!”

“Why was there prejudice?”

“Because… the Duke was once a mage…”

“Sir Sebastian,” Colin interrupted, “If you are unwilling to speak the truth, there is no need for us to continue this conversation.”

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Sebastian’s face revealed a struggle, but under Colin’s indifferent gaze, he finally spoke the truth:

“Viscount, the hostility I had towards you was due to the peace treaty agreement you reached with the Troll Empire.”

“A peace treaty agreement?” Colin was puzzled. He couldn’t understand why this agreement would cause Sebastian’s hostility towards him.

Sebastian cleared his throat and explained: “I have some private dealings with the presidents of several chambers of commerce in the North Territory. They have some… objections to the tax exemption clause in the agreement.”

After thinking for a moment, Colin finally understood where Sebastian’s hostility came from.

In the peace treaty he had forced the Troll Empire to sign, there was indeed a tax exemption clause. However, this exemption was not for all the merchants of the North Territory. Only the merchants in his Viscount territory could enjoy a tax reduction when entering the Troll Empire. freē

This achievement had clearly triggered envy from other merchants in the North Territory, prompting them to approach Governor Sebastian.

Judging from the lavish lifestyle Colin had seen at his residence, the “funding” these merchants had invested in Sebastian was unlikely to be a small amount. No wonder Sebastian had targeted Vera and Colin all along.

Furthermore, Colin knew there was another action he took that made the grand chambers of commerce of North Territory loathe him.

Originally, in order to cause turmoil in the North Territory, Mr. Ji created famine and led the Tulip Chamber of Commerce, which was controlled by the Uman clan, to hoard food. This move quickly gained the response of many North Territory merchants.

These profit-driven merchants, indifferent to the lives of Northerners and seeking to raise grain prices, had their plans stymied by a large shipment of food Colin purchased from the Half-Elf Kingdom. This measure eased the famine in the North Territory, but it also thwarted the ambitious plans of the North Territory merchants.

After Vera took control of Winterfell City, she began to forcibly suppress food prices, ordering merchants to release their hoarded food, further intensifying the conflict with the merchants.

Colin hadn’t initially paid much attention to these merchants. After all, in this era, unlike the time of his predecessor, merchants were not highly regarded. Offending them didn’t matter.

However, to his surprise, the merchants found another way to exercise their influence, causing a great deal of trouble for Vera.

Colin stroked his chin, starting to reflect—had he been too lenient with these merchants?

At this point, he realized that the key issue was not Sebastian, but the influence of the merchants in the North Territory.

He had not paid attention to them before, but now it seemed that their influence could not be completely ignored.

It seems that a thorough restructuring of this group would be necessary after his return.

Sebastian observed Colin’s silence, his heart anxious. After a moment, he cautiously broke the silence: “Viscount, rest assured, I will definitely distance myself from these merchants!”

Colin came back to reality, presenting Sebastian with a smile: “Sir Sebastian, I’m glad to hear that you’re ready to make amends. I’m sure the Duke would also give you a chance to reform. After all, you are an elder of the St. Hilde family.”

Sebastian’s eyes lit up, his face flushed with excitement. He quickly pledged his loyalty: “Thank you for your trust! Rest assured, and please assure the Duke! From now onwards, I shall follow your lead and the Duke’s!”

Colin nodded, seemingly satisfied with Sebastian’s stance, then casually stated: “By the way, the Duke will return to the North Territory tomorrow. There’s no need for a farewell banquet, but I would appreciate it if you could arrange for additional guards to escort the Duke.”

“Of course, no problem!” Sebastian immediately replied, “I have over 700 elite soldiers in my manor’s guard team. They are all at your disposal!”

“You’re not retaining any for yourself? Aren’t you worried about thieves breaking into your home?”

“I have confidence in Dragon City’s defenses. No thief would dare cause trouble here!”

“Well then.” Colin took what was offered without reservations. However, he then asked seemingly nonchalantly: “By the way, I remember Knight Weber, who sparred with me last time, he should be in the guard unit, shouldn’t he?”

Sebastian was taken aback, and finally understood Colin’s plan—He wants to use his grandson as a hostage in Winterfell City!

After wrestling with it for a moment, Sebastian made up his mind and nodded: “Of course! Weber has always admired your martial arts skills. If he has an opportunity to learn from you, he will not let it pass!”

“Excellent!” Colin stood up with a grin, shook Sebastian’s hand warmly, and said:

“Rest assured, I will take good care of Knight Weber.”

